Can You Use Large Tiles for Kitchen Backsplash? – Answered

Yes you can use large tiles for a kitchen backsplash. Large tiles come in different patterns and colors. They’re also easier to clean and take less time to install on the backsplash. 

When using large tiles for your backsplash, you bring consistency to your kitchen by matching your countertop with your walls. If you don’t want to match your countertops with your backsplash, large tiles also come in many colors and designs so you can give your kitchen a more eclectic feel.

For example, having a light blue backsplash with a dark blue countertop is a great combination! 

Also depending on the tile materials, large tiles are durable and easy to clean once they are sealed. You can use any type of tile from ceramic to porcelain and even install LEDs to give your kitchen a more modern look. The possibilities are endless!

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Before installing the large tiles in your kitchen: 

  • Measure the space you’ll need for the large tiles
  • Grab all the supplies (glue, large tiles, bucket trowel, laser [to make sure the tiles are straight vertically], straight edge/lever [to make sure the tiles are straight horizontally], and a tile sucker [to confirm the tiles will not come out post installation])

After finishing the task above, follow the steps below to install your large tiles as a kitchen backsplash: 

  1. Mix the glue (the glue you get will depend on the type of tile you’ll be installing)
  2. Add the glue to the back of the tiles using the bucket trowel (cover 90% of the tiles in big blotches of glue)
  3. Apply the tile to the desired space in the kitchen and apply pressure to make sure the glue sticks to the wall
  4. Measure the tile with the laser and straight edge/lever to make sure the tile is vertically and horizontally straight
  5. Use the tile sucker to check different sides of the tile (if the tile comes out, you will need to add more glue and reapply)


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From College to rented apartments, to now my own house, I've decorated them all. I'm a huge home improvement enthusiast and I share my knowledge with you here.

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