Granite Countertops

Can I Cut on My Countertop Without Scratching it?

In this post, we’ll be going over which countertops you can cut/chop on and ones you can chop on. So, let’s jump into this. Can you cut on butcher block countertops? Yes, you can cut on butcher block countertops. Butcher block countertops are the only countertops that are made to be cut on and used …

Can I Cut on My Countertop Without Scratching it? Read More »

How Long Does it Take to Install Countertops? Any Type

The time it takes to install countertops can be anywhere from 2-4 hours to 4-8 hours and even 1-3 days. It depends on the material, size, and shape of the countertops. Smaller kitchens with smaller cutouts will generally take 3-5 hours. Larger, more complex kitchens can take significantly longer. The time it takes to install …

How Long Does it Take to Install Countertops? Any Type Read More »

How do I Know What My Countertop is Made of?

The first step to identifying what your countertop is made of is to identify if they are manufactured or natural. Each slab of marble and granite is never the same as any other made. Your countertop is natural stone if two areas are distinct. How to tell if your marble countertop is real Marble countertops …

How do I Know What My Countertop is Made of? Read More »