How to Remove Wax From Quartz Countertop

You have scrubbed and scrubbed, but the wax just won’t come off! It is a frustrating task that many people must deal with. However, there are ways to remove wax from quartz countertops.

You can remove wax from your quartz countertop by using a blunt scraper to scrape as much wax off without digging into the surface. Next, place a towel on the wax and go over it with an iron on low heat 5 seconds at a time. Last, wash any residue away with soap and water.

Here’s a more detailed guide and what you’ll need to get the job done:

Step 1: Gently scrape away the wax from your countertop

– Using a blunt butter knife or plastic credit card, gently scrape away the wax on the surface of the countertop.

– Avoid digging deeper into the surface with a metal instrument to prevent possible damage to the surface..

Step 2: Use an electric iron to remove the residual wax

– Place an iron proof towel/material on the surface of your countertop and cover it with an iron on low heat for five seconds at a time.

– Continue alternating between running an iron over the paper towel and inspecting until all wax melts.

Step 3: Clean and dry the countertop with soap and water

– Thoroughly clean the surface of your quartz countertop using dishwashing liquid and hot water.

– Rinse with hot water until no more residue is left on the surface.

– Finish by drying it with a lint-free cloth!

You’re done! Your countertop should be looking good as new!

However, there are other ways to remove wax from quartz that don’t involve scrubbing. One way is by using a hairdryer and cloth or paper towels to buff the surface clean.

Another option is to use a dry vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment for scrubbing surfaces free of wax without damaging the delicate material.

Quartz countertop chipping
Remove Limescale from Quartz Countertops Quickly



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From College to rented apartments, to now my own house, I've decorated them all. I'm a huge home improvement enthusiast and I share my knowledge with you here.

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