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What is a quartz pool finish?
Quartz pool finish is a type of finish that is used by pool plaster contractors. The quartz finish is made up of a base of marcite, blended with silica and quartz aggregates. Quartz aggregates are bits of quarts that have been mechanically tumbled to a smooth surface.

Quartz aggregates are what give the pool plaster finish that sparkly look. Aside from the aesthetically pleasing sparkle of the quartz, there is another reason this type of aggregate is used.
The quartz pool finish is not only designed to be pleasing to the eye and soft to the feet but it’s made to be exceptionally durable and resistant to some of the dangers that pool finishes face.
Quartz pool finish comes in a number of colors giving you plenty of options when deciding what finish you are interested in. This will give you value that goes beyond the monetary. It gives you the freedom to choose your style.
Granite Pool Finish – Everything You Need to Know
Marble Pool Finish – Everything You Need to Know
Is quartz a good pool finish?
Yes, quartz is a good pool finish. Given its high level of durability, its resistance to chipping and scratching, and the ability to hide any etching that may occur through the years. Longevity is one of the qualities that makes quartz a google pool finish choice.

You want your pool finish to look good for years and years and quartz is a good choice when you’re wanting to not have to worry about costly and annoying pool finish repairs.
If you have hard water, then you know how it can damage surfaces over time. With a quartz pool finish, this is less of a worry seeing how the quartz finish is resistant to the calcium deposits that usually come with having hard water.
Another reason you might want to choose a quartz pool finish is in the way that you can refinish an old pool with this type of finish. Other finishes may react negatively with certain types of plaster or gunite of the original pool finish, but a quartz pool finish is non-reactive to these materials.
When deciding on which pool surface to choose there is always a list of pros and cons. Quartz pool finish is heavy to the pro section with fewer drawbacks. Let’s take a look at the pros as well as the cons of a quartz pool finish.
Long Lasting
When deciding on which pool finish you want to use for your new pool or to refinish an old pool, you have several factors that you immediately take into consideration. One of these and possibly one of the most important is longevity. How long will the finish last before you have to repair or refinish it?
Quartz pool finish is a good choice in a pool finish. Generally lasting between 7-12 years it’s going to be a surface that stands up to many of the harsh conditions that a pool can encounter.
Highly stain resistant

Having an unsightly stain in your pool is an eyesore that sticks out like a sore thumb. Stain on pool finishes can be a little embarrassing, to say the least. The problem with most other finishes is that they are more susceptible to stains than a quartz pool finish.
Quartz finishes are highly stain-resistant. This is a big advantage with the different types of water filtration systems and the possibilities of chemical imbalance, mineral imbalance, and stains that can come from metals in the water.
Hard water resistant
Hard water can wreak havoc on your pipes and fitting, and it can also be damaging to your pool finish. While you’re deciding which pool finish to choose, remember that quartz pool finishes are resistant to the effects of hard water.
Water hardness is defined by how much calcium and magnesium are in the water.
Hard water over time can cause the build-up of these mineral deposits. Hard water can not only leave your pool water chemically imbalanced but also can dull the finish over time. Quartz pool finish is resistant to these types of minerals building up and ruining your pool’s finish and ultimately the overall aesthetics of the pool.
Prevents Etching
Over time the surface of your pool can wear down, especially in certain areas such as steps and edges. . When this occurs it’s called etching. You can tell when a pool has etching issues when there is a certain roughness and discoloration Quartz pool finishes can help to prevent lines, cracks and etching.
When etching occurs it’s a good indication that there is a chemical imbalance in your pool, and it should be remedied as soon as possible to avoid further damage. But to prevent etching you can use a quartz pool finish.
Looks stunning
Quartz finishes are not only one of the hardest pool finishes that doesn’t erode over time. but also one of the most stunning types of plaster visually. White marble finish with hued quart aggregates in an assortment of choices. Imagine a beautiful pool sparkling in the sun for years and years with a beautiful colour that you chose from the available colours.
The colour of the aggregate will give your pool water different hues of blue, green and grey. You can create your own turquoise water, or light blue or if you want,a deep dark green.
Simple to repair

Sometimes you may have to think about the unexpected, like a repair on your quartz pool finish surface. Well you’re in luck because quartz finishes are simple to repair.
If there is a place in your pool that needs repairing due to whatever reason, you can find easy to apply kits to fix the problem. Having these kits that are premade make it possible to match flawlessly the existing colour.
There always seems to be a downside but with the quartz finish, there are only a few cons to look at.
The cost of quartz pool finish is somewhat more expensive. Although not significantly more expensive, the price of adding the quartz aggregate to the plaster mix would increase the price. Overall a possible 30-45% price increase over a plain marcite pool finish.
The finish can fade over time
UV rays from the sun can cause damage over time to your quartz pool finish causing it to fade. The most important thing to remember in this case is that the higher the quality of materials used, the more durable and long-lasting your pool finish will be.
Difficult Installation
The difficulty of quartz pool finish is elevated due to the actual installation process. The added steps of adding a quartz aggregate to the marcite plaster can get a bit tricky. There are added steps to ensure that the final product is everything you wanted when you chose this type of pool finish. Added steps to bring out the sparkle and expose the quartz make it somewhat more difficult than the marcite plaster pool finish.
So of course, you need to hire a pro.
Quartz vs pebble pool finish

What is the difference between quartz and pebble plaster?
The difference between quartz and pebble plaster is in the installation process, and in durability, design limitations, and maintenance. Quartz has a more intensive installation process that requires more steps. Quartz can also crack easier, and is prone to discoloration whereas pebble pool finish isn’t.
- Aggregate size
- Chemical resilience
- Maintenance
- Design
- Color consistency
- Aggregate Size
The size of the aggregate is different when comparing quartz pool finish to a pebble pool finish. The obvious difference is in the size of the materials used. The quartz is a finer material that allows you to see more of the plaster whereas the pebble shows more of the natural stone.
- Chemical Resilience
Chemical resistance will go to the pebble finish. Quartz finish is not as resilient and can react negatively under certain chemical situations. Chemical imbalances can cause the quartz finish to discolour and cause etching in more severe cases.
- Maintenance
Quartz pool finishes require more maintenance than the pebble finish.
- Design
When designing your pool the options you have between the two will be limited by the design itself. If you are wanting some exposed areas that will be outside the water, then the pebble finish would be your best option. The quartz finish is susceptible to UV light and other factors that make it necessary to keep it below the waterline.
- Color Consistency
If you are wanting a consistent color you would want to go with quartz. The pebble finish uses tumbled stones each similar in size and shape but distinctly different color wise. While the quartz finish is a more consistent in color, with quartz it’s possible to experience streaking and this would make it appear as having a less consistent coloration.
- Durability and Warranty
While the durability of both materials, the quartz finish and the pebble finish are somewhat similar, the pebble finish has a superior manufacturer’s warranty. In most cases ,the quartz finish will come with a 10-year warranty and will hold up quite well for at least that long. The pebble pool finish on the other hand will usually come with an 18-year warranty and can last up to 20 years and beyond.
Quartz pool finish vs plaster

What is the difference between quartz and plaster finish?
The difference between a quartz and plaster finish is that quartz is more durable and less susceptible to harsh pool chemicals. The plaster or marcite finish is the cheapest of options but can be costly over time.
Plaster Pool Finish
Marcite plaster is made up of portland concrete and white marble dust with some strengthening additives thrown in for good measure. The least expensive of these two options is the plaster but it is not as durable as the quartz pool finish which has the quartz aggregates mixed into the plaster.
Durability is a difference that can be seen in the longevity of the finishes. Plaster generally having a 10- year manufacturer’s warranty needs to be handled with care in order to get that length of life out of the finish. Specific attention to the chemicals is important because plaster can degrade rather quickly if the balance is not maintained and correct.
Plaster is one of the most popular choices but can quickly show streaks and wear and tear and signs of etching generally around the five to seven-year mark. .
Quartz Pool Finish
Quartz pool finishes are one of the most popular choices in pool finishes. There is a range of color options to choose from and is widely known to be a more durable choice over the traditional marcite plaster finish.
The quartz finish is made up of a marcite plaster base with silica and colored quartz aggregate mixed in. This is what gives it amazing color sparkle but also a smooth surface. The smooth surface is more resistant to scratches, chips, and etching.
Quartz pool finish is more resistant to chemical damage than the traditional plaster finish. The cost overall for the quartz finish is higher but in the long run, it will pay for itself in lower maintenance and longer life.
Quartz pool finish colors
When it comes to color the color of the finish will be what gives the water its color. One of the most popular colors falls in the blue spectrum. This gives the pool that gorgeous blue water that is seen in so many pools.
However, there are other colors and combinations of colors that can be used to make your style come through. In some cases, the quartz can be dyed any color one would want. The best options for colors are blue, green, and grey. Combinations and different hues of these colors are often used by different brands.
The basic color spectrums run in blue, red, white, greys, tans, and teal. Different brands have different series of color combinations and hues to choose from.
- Tahoe Blue
- Midnight Blue
- Cappuccino
- Anvil
- St Martin Shade
- And more…many more variations
- Jewelscapes
- Colorscapes
- Polishedscapes
- Quartzscapes
- Caribbean
- Reflections
- Regular
Quartz pool finish problems
The most visible part of your pool is the finish. The finish is what creates not only the look and color of your pool but it is also a protective barrier between the water and the concrete base.
The finish forms a protective layer and it needs to have certain characteristics to be considered a good finish, but problems can occur. Quartz pool finish is not without issues and there can be problems that come up with these types of finishes as well.
- Blotchy Areas
- Porous and Etched Surface
- Fading
Blotchy Areas
One of the issues that can arise is having blotchy areas that show up a short time after installation. This seems to be a common problem with quartz pool finishes, as is followed by a suggested remedy of multi-applications of an acid wash and scrubbing the entire pool interior.
There seem to be some contributing factors for streaking and other types of blotching, some of which can fall on the installation itself and the quality of the work being done.
Porous or Etched Surface
Etching is a problem that happens generally after some sort of treatment has been used on the pool surface. Some of these issues begin after an acid wash has been applied. The protective surface has been damaged by harsh chemicals or acid washing and this causes the surface to become porous and which causes discoloration.
Porosity along the steps and seating areas can degrade the finish to the point where it feels rougher and discoloration becomes an issue.
Fading Color
Fading can happen due to excessive cleaning with harsh chemicals as well as the surface being affected by extreme weather. Fading is not only limited to quartz pool finishes but can happen to other finishes as well. Some finishes are more resistant to fading than others but this is a common problem across the board with all finishes over time.
Quartz pool finish brands
Nation Pool Tile offers the largest selection of brand-name pool finishes.
- Jewelscapes
- Colorscapes
- Polishedscapes
- Quartzscapes
Each of these brands has unique series and color combinations to choose from.
NPT Design Center Showroom near you, call 888-476-POOL.
Here are a few more quartz finish brands you can look for…
- Aquatic Glassel
- Blue Haven Pools
- Pebble Tec
- Krystalkrete
- Sunstone
- Diamond Bright
- Marquis Magic
- CLI Industries
Quartz pool finish cost

To resurface or newly install a pool interior with a quartz pool finish can range from $3500 – $8500 for a roughout finish and between $5000 – $10,000 for a polished finish and these prices depend on the color and the style of the finish you choose. You can estimate your cost at $5 per square foot to get a ballpark figure.
Quartz pool finish process
A quartz pool finish is a bit different from a rough plaster interior pool finish. The quartz polished finish takes more time and effort uses extra trowelling and other procedures that are not part of a traditional plaster finish.
It starts with a premium and precise blend of crushed quartz, white cement, and mineral-based pigments, one particular brand QuartzScapes offers a video to show you just how this particular pool finish goes on.
Applied by wheelbarrow and shovel or by a plaster pump and nozzle the plaster is first finished with flat trowels. Often the walls are shot first before applying the plaster to the floors. This gives the crews time to really work on the final finish of the walls before pouring the floors.
The pool builder is one of the most important parts of the pool installation as well as the final finish. Shortcuts and missed steps will be detrimental to the overall look and ultimately the lifespan of your pool finish. Finding a quality, experienced, and detail oriented pool builder is an important step that shouldn’t be overlooked.
Application procedures should be followed according to the manufacturer’s specifications. This will make it easier to receive help from your warranty should something unforeseen arise that you are not satisfied with.
The brand Quartzscape® application includes…
Preparation of the pool shell if it’s a new pool…
- Hard Troweling
- Pulling the Fat ( a term used to describe part of the hard trowelling process)
- Ragging
- Acid Washing
- Pressure Washing
Some of these steps are repeated to get the perfect finish.
Hard Trowelling
Hand trowelling is a process that continues throughout the finishing job. The more the crews work the plaster the better it becomes. The trowels they use are unique to the pool finishing trade.
Hard troweling and working the quartz plaster continually until they have reached a point where the finish is ready for the next step. This method of finishing the plaster will continue throughout the process.
Pulling the Fat
Working the finish and bringing the fine aggregate to the surface so the shimmer and shine are visible takes an extra step. Through continuous hard troweling the residual plaster that comes to the surface as the aggregates are forced down through the hard troweling process this is called the cream or the fat. Pulling this plaster away is called pulling the fat.
Ragging is a term that is coined for the procedure of using a terry cloth rag at this time in the application process, the crew wipes down the plaster as they go along to further expose the quartz aggregate. This is a way that exposes the shiny particles before the acid-washing phase.
While the crew continues to hard trowel and pull the fat from the pool, this extra step is one that in the end makes all the difference in the luster of the aggregate. It is essential in the final phases of quartz pool finishes.
Acid Washing
The following day after the hard trowelling and ragging is finished the next step is to use an acid wash. This is a method to expose the shiny quartz aggregates even more to get the look you are after.
Muriatic acid is used to expose the aggregate quartz. It is applied with a watering can or a 55-gallon drum with a fitting hose.
To stop the scrubbing process a thorough rinse with water is used. Make sure to wear protective clothing, eye protection, and a respirator, and be sure to continuously run water along with the acid wash during the process.
Acid washing might sound a bit extreme but this is a common practice in new pool finishing as well as scheduled cleanings. Acid washing is used to rid the pool of algae and other hard-to-scrub issues that come with owning a pool.
In this particular application, dish soap is added to the mixture to help the acid stick to the walls of the pool long enough for the scrubber to do the brushing.
It’s recommended that the acid wash procedure be done with no less than three people. One to apply the acid, one to brush and scrub the aggregate surface and one to continually run water to keep the acid from being too harsh.
Pressure Washing
Power washing is a technique to finish the application process after the acid wash. This technique may not be used by all installation crews, but this one part of the process can change the way your quartz finish will ultimately turn out. Pressure washing gets rid of the last of the plaster dust that can cloud your start-up water.
This extra step will be the difference in having a great finish with having only a good finish
Remember that after the installation is done following the start-up procedures will ensure that you have done everything you can to bring out the best possible outcome for your quartz pool finish.
NPC Start-Up Procedures:
How long does a quartz pool finish last?
A quartz pool finish can last between 7 – 12 years. Manufacturer warranties are generally around the 10-year mark. In order for the finishes to last up to the higher end of this mark, proper care and maintenance are essential.
Not having to worry about repairs or refinishing your pool for a decade is one of the reasons choosing quartz pool finishes is a good idea. Proper maintenance and care will save you money over the course of the life of your pool finish.
Is a quartz pool finish rough?
The quartz pool finish is smooth to the touch and not rough on your feet. The resistance to wear keeps the smooth and soft feeling of the quartz pool surface for years while remaining non-porous and resistant to etching.