If a garage door panel is severely damaged then replacing it may be your only option. Bends, cracks, dents, and other repairable damage can be taken care of with the proper tools and knowledge of how to do it. The techniques for repair will be determined by the material of the garage door panel.
Accidents happen and now you have a damaged garage door panel that is just plain unsightly to look at.
So what do you do?
Do you try and replace the panel yourself or would it be better to try and repair the damage?
Is it repairable?
Table of Contents
What to consider when deciding to replace or repair garage door panels
Knowing your options and weighing the cost, the time, the tools, and the availability of replacement panels, versus repairing the damage is discussed in detail below.
Keep reading and learn about what your options are and what it is exactly you can do yourself.
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The cost of replacing a single panel of a garage door typically ranges from $250 to $800. This cost is divided between the price of the panel itself and the installation fees, which usually make up approximately half of the total cost.
When looking at a complete door replacement the cost for garage doors, the average costs vary based on the size of the door. For example, a single-car garage door measuring 8′ x 7′ typically costs between $400 and $900, while a double-car garage door measuring 16′ x 7′ can range from $650 to $3,600.
Cost can include the price of installation of the repair or replacement isn’t something you can do yourself.
Cost of garage door panels

The cost of a single garage door panel varies according to the material used to manufacture it. But the average price for a garage door panel is between $250-$800, although this price may reflect the addition of installation charges.
The panels themselves range from $125 – $400 depending on the materials.
Double garage door panels cost
If you can locate a garage door installation company, you may be able to buy the single panel for a double garage door. The metal panels can cost up to $200 a piece, possibly a little more if you buy the bottom panel with the weather stripping already attached.
An entire door can cost over $3000 depending on the style and material of the door panel.
Dented garage door repair cost
A dent in the garage door can cause some serious issues with your door. Trouble raising and lowering your door, jumping off the tracks, and basically becoming a safety issue.
You don’t really want to tackle this repair job yourself, so you may be thinking about hiring a professional to do it for you. But just how much would it cost to repair a garage door?
The exact amount of how much it will cost depends on the parts needed and any finishing work that might need to be done, such as caulking and painting. The repair cost can go from $100-$400 for most of the common repairs for metal and wood doors.
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Can you replace one panel of the garage door?
Yes, it is possible to replace one panel of a garage door. Replacing a single panel is usually an option if the damage is limited to one specific area of the door and the rest of the door is in good condition. Single panels can be purchased to match the existing door.
However, it is important to ensure that the replacement panel matches the rest of the door in terms of color, style, and finish to maintain the overall appearance of the door. It may also be necessary to replace additional panels in the future if they become damaged, so keep that in mind when deciding whether to replace just one panel or the entire door.
How to replace garage door panel
Replacing a garage door panel is not generally thought to be a DIY project, but with the right tools and a bit of knowledge, you can do this project in a few hours. Knowing how the garage door system works is a great way to start, even before you turn the first bolt to take a panel off.
Tool list
- Come-along
- Vise-Grip C-clamps
- Cable Puller/ this is an apparatus that attaches to the come-along to grab the garage door cable securely and to move the part of the door that is undamaged away from the panel you are removing.
- Impact gun or wrenches
These tools can be used to remove metal, fiberglass, and composite door panels. Unique situations may occur but the overall replacement process is the same for manufactured garage doors. Wood garage door panels, on the other hand, will have to be considered on a door to door basis depending on the type of material and the severity of the damage.
Metal garage door panel replacement
Understanding how the garage door system works is the first step to a DIY garage door panel replacement. Not fully understanding the mechanics of the door, the springs, the cable systems, and the rollers and tracks can put you in a position to get hurt.
Here are the tools that you will need;
- Come along tool
- Cable puller
- 2 Pairs of c clamp vise grips
- Impact gun or wrenches and sockets
Step 1
Raise the door off the floor a couple of inches, it will make it easier to remove the panel or panels, using the vise grip clamps, attach a clamp above the panel you are going to remove on the track underneath a roller hinge, do the same on the other side in the exact same position.
Step 2
Attach the come along tool and the cable puller to the cable on the side of the door, either side will work Put some pressure on the cable and undue the hinges above the panel you are going to remove. Undo the bottom hinges as well. Crank the come along tool until there is a gap enough to remove the panel.
Step 3
After you remove the panel, you replace it with your new panel. And reverse all the procedures until your panel is fully installed and tightened down and the door is ready to be used again.
Having the right tools is going to make this project so much easier. You might want to round up your tools first before beginning this as a DIY project. Take a realistic assessment of your abilities and see if this is something you can do, and if not call a pro and they can have it done in no time at all.
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Wood garage door panel replacement
Replacing a wood garage door panel is going to take a bit more skill than just taking off a few bolts and replacing an entire panel. Wood panel doors are made in sections with routed grooves that the individual panels rest in. On top of the edges of each individual panel is quarter-round moulding.
If it’s an individual panel within the panel itself then these are steps to take
What you will need;
- Multi Tool/ wood blade
- Circular saw
- Measuring tape
- Brad nailer
- Wood panelling to cut the replacement piece from.
Step 1
Lift the door to a position where you can work comfortably on the panel you are replacing.
Carefully remove quarter-round moulding if any has been used.
Step 2.
The panel you are replacing is going to be in a routed groove, you want to use the multi-tool and cut one side of the groove out to be able to remove the panel.
Step 3
Remove the panel and use it as a template for a new piece. With the circular saw cut the new panel
Step 4
Place the new panel back into the opening. You will still have one side of the routed groove to hold the otherside in.
Step 5
Reinstall the quarter-round moulding with the brand gun. Apply caulking to fill the gaps and to help secure the panel
Step 6
Paint or stain to match existing color
Garage door bottom panel replacement
Replacing the bottom garage door panel may be one of the easiest panels to fix, although the manner in which it’s removed is done the same way. There are different ways to relieve the tension of the springs and the counterweight but for the sake of this article, the come-along and cable puller will be the method suggested.
There are methods that can be utilised by using two hoists or two come along tools, but for the average DIY person having multiple types of these tools on hand is rare. And the two-hoist method seems to have a bit more potential for mistakes that could possibly cause injuries.
Step 1
Raise the door a few inches and add some wood shims underneath the bottom panel
Step 2
Attach the come along and cable puller to the cable on either side of the door and attach the C clamps on the panel rollers above the bottom panel.
Step 3
Add a bit of tension to the come along and then begin to remove the rollers and the bottom panel door hinges. Once the hinges are loose add more tension to the come along tool, which raises the upper section away from the lower bottom panel
Step 4
Remove the old panel and replace it with the new one. Lower the door back down until the sections meet. Line up the doors and release the tension on the come along and reinstall each of the rollers and the hinges.
Step 5
Raise the door and remove the wood from underneath the bottom door panel and lower the door back to the floor. Remove the come along and the cable puller, and the job is complete.
Fibreglass garage door replacement panels
Having the right tools is going to make this project so much easier. You might want to round up your tools first before beginning this as a DIY project. Take a realistic assessment of your abilities and see if this is something you can do, and if not call a pro and they can have it done in no time at all.
Step 1
Raise the fibreglass door off the floor a couple of inches, it will make it easier to remove the panel or panels, using the vise grip clamps, attach a clamp above the panel you are going to remove on the track underneath a roller hinge, do the same on the other side in the exact same position.
Step 2
Attach the come along tool and the cable puller to the cable on the side of the fibreglass door, either side will work. Put some pressure on the cable and undue the hinges above the panel you are going to remove. Undo the bottom hinges as well. Crank the come along tool until there is a gap enough to remove the fibreglass panel. The best part about the fibreglass panels is they are generally much lighter and easier to remove and replace.
Step 3
After you remove the fibreglass garage door panel, you replace it with your new panel. And reverse all the procedures until your panel is fully installed and tightened down and the door is ready to be used again.
How to repair garage door panel
Sometimes the better option is to try and repair a damaged garage door instead of replacing the panel. It will depend on the severity of the damage of course, but it is a viable option, and it will save you a bunch of money over the long run.
If the door will open there is still a possibility it can be repaired and not have to buy a replacement panel or replace the whole door.
Repair cracked garage door panel
If it’s cracking then more than likely this would happen to a wood-panelled door, so the repairs would be similar to other wood products that are cracked.
Here is a step-by-step process for repairing a cracked wood door panel:
- Clean the area: Use a clean, dry cloth to remove any dust or debris from the cracked panel. Remove any cracked paint, and remove any of the old caulking.
- Fill the crack: Fill the crack with wood filler and smooth it out with a putty knife. Make sure to fill the crack completely and allow the filler to dry completely.
- Sand the area: Once the filler is dry, sand the area until it is smooth and even with the surrounding wood. You can use sandpaper or an electric sander for this step.
- Paint or stain the panel: If the door is painted, apply a fresh coat of paint to the entire panel, blending the repair into the surrounding area. If the door is stained, apply a new coat of stain to the entire panel.
- Seal the panel: To protect the repair and prevent future damage, apply a clear sealer or varnish to the entire panel.
Repair wooden garage door
A cracked wooden garage door can possibly be repaired, instead of a whole panel having to be replaced. Depending on the size of the hole and the severity of the crack, some simple repair techniques can be used. So let’s say, for instance, the damage isn’t major and the repairs can be done with wood putty.
Here are the steps to this kind of repair.
Materials You Will Need
- Wood filler
- Putty knife
- Wire brush/ hard bristle brush
- Sand paper
- Refinishing materials/ paint or stain depending on which the door has on it
Surface Prep
Make sure the surface to be repaired is free from debris, loose paint or old caulking if any, before starting your repair. You can use a hard bristle brush, a scraper, or a putty knife to remove any obvious debris.
Fill In The Hole Or Crack
Using an epoxy wood filler is the best solution here, with the putty knife apply the appropriate amount of filler to cover the crack or fill the hole. Spread the filler evenly so there won’t have to be a lot of sanding once the filler dries. Once the wood filler has dried, you can sand the surface smooth.
Sand the surface and final the patch
Use fine-grit sandpaper and smooth the surface and prepare the surface for paint. The final process will be to replace any caulking that was removed, allow it to dry, and add a coat of paint
Repair bent garage door panel
Repairing a bent garage door panel suggests that the garage door can still function correctly, and that opening and closing is not an issue. This is a determining factor in whether the door panel is to be repaired or replaced.
Damage can be localised on one panel or may involve two or more, the decision to repair again depends on the ability of the garage door to function properly
Here are the steps to repairing a bent garage door panel.
Step 1:
You don’t want to hit the metal panel with anything that can further damage it. So before you begin to hammer out the dent, you will need to locate a piece of wood, a 2×4 or another smaller yet sturdy piece of wood will work. This wood will act as a buffer and a shock absorber between the hammer and the bend.
Step 2:
Place the 2×4 against the bend portion of the door and strike the wood, not the door. You will have to gauge the strength of the hammer blow depending on the size of the bend. The board will go up against the side of the door that is protruding outwardly.
Hit the board until the bent area is back to its original position. You can gently tap out the wrinkles, if the bend hasn’t caused severe pinches in the metal. If this is unsightly and you don’t like the way it looks, you will need to replace the panel.
Remember the board is there to protect the door from further damage and the strikes should start light and increase in force until the necessary force has been applied to straighten the bent door.
Where to buy replacement garage door panels
The garage door panels can be purchased at a big box hardware store if the door isn’t custom-made or made of specially made material. Generally speaking, the place where these doors were originally purchased should have replacement garage door panels.
That being said, if you don’t know the origin of the original purchase then you can look at the door itself and find the manufacturer’s name, and possibly the serial number of the door.
If that doesn’t work then you can measure the door panel, take a photo of the style and material and head out to one of the big hardware stores and ask about replacement panels for your door.
And as always there are online options for finding garage door panels, but the obvious problem with this is you’re buying something without actually seeing it in person. And that can always go wrong much quicker than having your eyes on the garage door panel in person.
Some places to check are;
- Lowes
- Home Depot
- Ebay
- Garage door professionals
If possible the best option is to contact the manufacturer or the company that built the door and start there.
Where to buy 16 ft garage door replacement panels
Depending on where you live you might be able to find an actual parts store specifically carrying garage door parts. This will include the single panels for your double garage door. Shopping online, or going to the local big box hardware store you might be able to get them there as well.