Are Quartz Countertops Porous? – Everything You Need to Know

What is a porous countertop?

A porous countertop is when a countertop has micro holes in its surface that can’t be seen by the naked eye. As a result they end up splitting, rotting, collecting germs, bacteria, and last approximately 3 – 5 years.

If the countertop has pores in its surface and it is not properly sealed, the pores allow liquids, air, and bacteria to seep into the countertop. This causes damage to the countertop over time. Different types of countertops can be either porous or non-porous. For example, while marble countertops are beautiful they are porous and must be sealed before use.

Why porous countertops are a safety risk and decrease it life span

Porous countertops are a safety risk if they’re not properly sealed (and re-sealed if necessary) because there will be bacteria, liquids, and air soaking into the pores of the countertop with each use. 

It’s no secret that the kitchen can get messy, but without sealing a countertop you’re asking for the countertop to rot and degrade over time! This causes the countertop to reach its life span quickly. If you have a porous countertop, check with your manufacturer how often it needs to be sealed or resealed to extend its lifespan.

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Are Quartz countertops porous?

Quartz countertops are non-porous. This means that it does not have holes or pores in the surface and does not need to be sealed. 

Quartz countertops are a great option for countertops because it looks like marble and is easy to clean! Additionally it has a long life span and can withstand extreme heat. Like when you put a hot pot or pan on a Quartz countertop, it won’t be damaged! Quartz countertops give your kitchen a uniform look and there are many colors available to match any of your dream kitchen designs. 



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From College to rented apartments, to now my own house, I've decorated them all. I'm a huge home improvement enthusiast and I share my knowledge with you here.

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